Modern Family: Baby on Board (2012)
Season 3, Episode 24
Season Three
4 July 2019
Usually, my reviews tend to be more verbose than others here on Amazon. I really like to explain why I liked or disliked a certain product or service. In the case of Season Three of "Modern Family", however, I am going to keep it short and sweet.

In a nutshell, I loved this season because it is still hilariously funny. While shot in a formula akin to "The Office" (looks to the camera, individual interviews, etc.), Modern Family doesn't even have the character development of those early "Office" seasons to bolster itself. Instead, it does it on straight comedy. The characters do basically the same things that they have been doing the past two seasons, but they are still just as funny as ever!

Obviously, there is some character development that keeps the show from being completely stagnant, but it really is very little. The show is still centered on the three main families and their crazy antics.

Thus, because dissecting comedy is the simplest and surest way to ruin it, that's about all I have to say about the third season of Modern Family. It's still funny...and that is the highest compliment I can give it. I can't wait for the next season to arrive in my mailbox!
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