Arrow: You Have Saved This City (2019)
Season 7, Episode 22
Underwhelming at some point.. (rushed)
14 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cons :

-bringing bronze tiger and laurel back looks rushed (Laurel just disappeared and came back?) (Turner be like 'here to help' outta nowhere)

-emiko's death was so underwhelming I mean 'talia rip-off character' just showed up and shoots a dagger to emiko's stomack and she didnt even flinch. And then when she got kicked to 1 layer of wall and gets killed?!

-flashfowards (cringey mis-leading)

Mia saying 'take care of mom', we all know she's not going die. And i literally dont get the plot in the flashfowards.

-again, the final battle was underwhelming Roy, diggle and turner battles some ninja-alike members, and oliver uses talk-no justsu to emiko in some ways and building collapses - TA 'we won'

-this series finale left us more questions unanswered.

Pros :

-roy's stunts

-mostly action-packed for first 20 minutes

-oliver's emotional moments

-crisis's tease

-OTA moment

-some storylines connect with future storyline

Overall - 7.6/10 Not disappointing but underwhelming
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