Top 10 reasons to watch There's... Johnny!
30 April 2019
10. It's different. 9. It's interesting. 8. It's enlightening. 7. It's nostalgic. 6. It's funny. 5. It's real 4. It's empathetic 3. It's well-written. 2. It's well-acted. 1. Jane Levy (Thanks Dave.)

Addendum: The way I rate shows... I don't usually review anything less than a 7 because 6 would be a failing grade and I won't waste my time watching it. I'm old; I don't know how much time I've got left. Since I probably turned it off before getting even halfway through, it wouldn't be fair to rate or review it. 7 is watchable but I may go a while between episodes since, though somewhat entertaining, there are other shows more interesting or compelling. 8 would be a regular in my lineup. 9 is a must see and probably bingeable. 10 is just the epitome of superbity and headed for my all-time favorites list. I'm adding this to my reviews because it seems there are a lot of binary reactions to pretty much everything these days. I am not a like/unlike kind of guy. I see a lot of grays so if I give something a 10 it doesn't mean the only alternative is a 1.
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