Lavish, but butchered
8 April 2019
Chinese movie "Once Upon A Time" (2017) has blockbuster budget special effects and production values, with epic wide shots, huge armies, acrobatic fight scenes, a gorgeous color palette and exotic costumes, as well as insanely attractive actors (Yang Yang) and actresses. I am not familiar with the copyright scandal or the books "Once Upon A Time" is supposedly based on, but there was even a hint of a good story to draw from: humorous, tragic, heroic, villainous, a broken kind of humanity on which to savor. But with all this surefire appeal, even a comical animal sidekick akin to Disney films, "Once Upon A Time" quite definitely missed its mark.

The vast armies had no clout, the fight scenes held little meaning or surprise, the attractive actors became generic-in many ways, there was more splendor than distinguishment. The story had mystery, but it fell apart. One scene skipped to the next, one location became another giving the audience no sense of context or sequence. The story of so much grandiose complexity (300 year heartbreak, 70,000 year missed connections) revealed itself as flimsy. Everything which seemed meant to be epic had little significance, much like a special effect move in a video game with puny attack damage.

Major potential, but not a major let down because I didn't expect much when after forty minutes I still didn't feel any story progess or emotional investment. At this point I just finished the remaining hour and twenty minutes to be able to write this review. Too long, if you ask me and not really worth it.

For starters, the title actress Yiu Lifei who plays the forgetful immortal Queen is sorely uncharismatic although a few drinking scenes almost held hope. Her romantic interest played by Yang Yang is much more appealing and even might have acting chops, but his character had next to no dimension. The extent of their romance seemed only to be to cry on cue in a single, solitary tear across their porcelain cheeks. Boring, after a while.

Many of the side characters however do have a lot of charisma and some emotional depth. One feels there were some casting mistakes for the leads with favor for beauty instead of ability to emote. Luo Jin plays Yiu Lifei's drunken Phoenix friend and his part is small but his expressions sympathetic. Chun Li has a larger part as Yang Yang's consort and Yiu Lifei's jealous rival and she is appropriately evil and vulnerable. Others also play minor roles but do a well enough job. One feels as though with different casting and leadership this movie could've soared.

I'm giving "Once Upon A Time" a 6/10 because truly, the color palette and costumes are next level. The lighting at times was beautiful, and I liked most of the set designs. But for an almost two hour run time, beautiful colors can't sustain a momentous cliche of a film without even basic storytelling skills to back it up. Whoever this director is, they must have missed a few film classes because too often exposition shots are sorely missing and vital exposition in terms of the rules of the world is forgotten until it is much too late. Some backpedaling helped things but by that point I had given up.

6/10 for this weird mix of utterly remarkable visual effects and utterly amateur storytelling. I mean seriously who hired this director and where did they get the editing team from? Intro to film class?
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