Trinity & Bambino!!!
11 March 2019
Since 1976 when I saw the first Trinity, they becomes my favorite on Spaguetti western, a couple of the brothers totally opposite each other on their behavior, Bud is a crude and insensible crook try to steal even poor people, Trinity is a humorous guy who faces the life more easily, helping poor and weak people, trying to conceal to his brother is good nature as human being, those slapstick comedy driven to a humor approach, they were a massive success here in Brazil on those formulaic reverse characters, also has a bit nonsense on some scenes, they made history on cinema industry having a own trademak on eaten beans and those endless fights, sadly in Brazil those movies that came out on DVD all them without an ultimate restoration, just VHS transfer onto DVD!!


First watch: 1993 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7
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