Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Showtime (2003)
Season 7, Episode 11
Buffy vs. the Ubervamp
29 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Showtime", more potential Slayers show up for protection from the First's cult. Buffy and Xander learn that one potential is an imposter, the First impersonating a dead girl. Giles and Anya head to another dimension to figure out if there is a way to defeat the First. They learn that all this trouble was caused by the resurrection of Buffy, causing an imbalance between good and evil. The ubervamp heads to the house to kill the Potentials and cutoff the line of Slayers. The gang set up a trap to kill the ubervamp and prove to the Potentials that Buffy can protect them. She cuts off its head and everyone heads home.

Building off the last episode, Buffy and the gang continue to prepare for war in this one. In the end the ubervamp was no match for Buffy. It almost felt too easy for her after their previous balance left her with internal bleeding. I'm not extremely confused as to how the succession line of Slayers occur. Shouldn't there be three now that Buffy has died and been resurrected twice? Where the hell is Faith when you need her? They don't explain all this very well.

Still, this episode continues the arc well enough. Andrew's inclusion on the gang is a bit annoying but oh well...
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