Review of SEAL Team

SEAL Team (2017–2024)
Great entertainment!
1 November 2018
Ok, first up, there are a lot of people dissing this show for accuracy reasons who, I will bet, have never served a day in their entire lives. I wasn't a SEAL, or even Navy, but I did serve in Armor back in the 80s, before later becoming a cop (lieutenant, detective) in civilian life.

The camaraderie and dialogue is pretty accurate, actually. These guys are your brothers. Family. Units become incredibly close-knit and you would die to save them, simple as that. Yes, we cracked stupid jokes, that's a coping mechanism.

Sure, it's not 100% accurate, It can't be. It's TV. Entertainment. But it doers a damn good job of portraying the life.

And as for the dumb comments about it being government propaganda, politically correct, whatever, you guys are talking nonsense. In fact, I don;t understand why you're watching it if that's what you think. Go and watch Dancing With The Stars or something.

This is a very entertaining show.
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