Goodbye Robert Redford
20 October 2018
I saw The Old Man & The Gun yesterday night and I liked it well enough at the time. Thinking about it more today I realized other than a couple of brief ones from the end and beginning of the movie I don't really remember anything. I know the mark of a good movie is not always that you remember it forever and you think about it all the time but it is kind of important to make it impactful. This movie is based on a mostly true story so I understand that they had to base it in reality but I think something that might have added a bit more flavor would be a bit more action. This doesn't have to be car chases but the movie sets up these problems for Robert Redfords character Forrest Tucker and then the forget about a lot of them.

What I liked about the movie was first the acting, I have always been a fan of Robert Redford but in this movie he is like a smooth glass of whiskey. He has so much charm and knowns the role he is playing so well that you when he smiles you can't help but smile with him. Sissy Spacek, and Cassy Affleck both turn in damn fine performances, I think Casey Affleck is almost playing himself in this movie and looks realistically tired and somber for someone who doesn't like his job. Danny Glover and Tom Waits are Redfords partners in crime and they do a very good job also but each have about 14 minutes of screen time so I would have liked to have seen them more. Also the director David Lowery does a pretty good job at making you feel the time and place, not I a super obvious way like a bunch of news headlines put together explaining the big events of that year but in a quite way. The movies goes down pretty smooth there's some action but it slow and not the main point of the movie. The end of this movie without spoiling it is very enjoyable.

What I didn't like: now I've seen slow movies before but this movie adds slow to a soft piano score and Redfords smooth as butter voice and you get a put you to sleep movie. I had a hard time staying awake watching it and that is a bit because it is around 20 minutes to long. The story starts very slow in the beginning and at the end it races through around 10 years and then ends. That's kind of strange. Also the soundtrack is unremarkable or not present at best and extremely uneven and boarding at worst. Also it has about at much suspense as a drivers ED video.

All in all this is a fine movie, it is powered by the performances of it's legendary cast and will make you smile throughout and then maybe check your watch a couple of times.

Oh one last thing, this kind of feels like a unofficial sequel to The Natural so that was kind of cool.
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