The Reunion (II) (2011)
The Reunion: I was bamboozled!
17 March 2018
I often watch literal pick & mix movies where I have no idea what is, not even the films name. Because of this I often watch some truly poor stuff, often stuff that isn't even on IMDB and I end up adding it myself.

All was going well, then suddenly John Cena pops up on screen. Let me be clear I'm a wrestling fan so maybe I'm bias but I truly cannot stand this human being so I immediatly expected bad things from The Reunion.

It did however have Amy Smart & Ethan Embry to counter balance the albino hulk so all hope was not lost.

It tells the story of four half siblings who are brought together through the death of their father and the adventure that it leads to.

The plot, not entirely original but it certainly has its moments and the writing is solid. Amy Smart alas is pretty wasted as she is a very bit part considering she's arguably the biggest name in the movie. No folks I'm not acknowledging Cena, he's a crappy wrestler who occasionally pops up in films, big wrestler....not so big actor.

This is another WWE films production and their films have been hit and miss since day one. They've done some really enjoyable ones and they've done some stinkers, this is somewhere inbetween.

If the "Doctor of Thuganomics" had been cast with you know.....someone who could act then maybe this would have been better. Regardless it's a decent enough effort.

The Good:

Some good cast choices

Couple of great moments

Solid writing

The Bad:

John Cena

Could have been a tad more original

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

One punch knocks out the average human being

I can't take Michael Rispoli seriously anymore, While You Were Sleeping (1995) and his shoe fetish has done irreparable damage

John Cena in a cowboy hat somehow looks even more ridiculous than usual, I'm surprised WWE aren't making garish colored ones and selling them as his merchandise.
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