The Outer Limits: The Galaxy Being (1963)
Season 1, Episode 1
End of Transmission
10 February 2018
The radio station KXKVI operator Alan Maxwell (Cliff Robertson) uses most of the station´s power to research the space seeking life. When he contacts an extraterrestrial being from Andromeda, they exchange experiences and information. They agree that their experiment is illicit in both planets but they decide to go on in their conversation. However, Alan´s wife Carol Maxwell (Jacqueline Scott) interrupts him and forces Alan to go to a feast offered by the mayor and the community to him. The reluctant Alan goes to the banquet and leaves the channel of communication with the alien open in low power. He warns the Radio DJ Gene 'Buddy' Maxwell (Lee Philips) to keep the transmission in low power. However Buddy turns the power up to full, bringing the alien to Earth and causing havoc in the community.

("The Galaxy Being" is the first episode of "Outer Limits" with a great story of direct contact with an alien. In the period of the Cold War, there is an exaggerated importance and participation of the army. The special effects are ahead of time. The conclusion with the ignorance of the army and the being fading out is the reflection of this dark period. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "O Ser da Galáxia" ("The Galaxy Being")
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