The Same Sky (2017)
Wish they would wrap up a series properly and sutitle ALL the dialog
24 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When we have to wait a year or more for the next season of a TV series, it would help if they wrapped up the loose ends and began the next season with a new storyline rather than leave us with a nail biting cliffhanger. By next year we will have forgotten where they left off. They could keep some of the characters non-cliffhanging threads, but leaving everything hanging in the air is frustrating to say the least, especially as there may not be another season.

SPOILER AHEAD! My other BIG criticism is the practice of German and some other European studios to only use subtitles when the characters are speaking in their own language. As someone who needs the captions as I am somewhat hearing impaired, when the characters speak English I cannot for the life of me follow what they are saying in their heavily accented English. As a result, I have no idea of a lot of the plot n in 'the Same Sky' or how it ended. I found out from reading another poster's review that Lars was the cousin of the two girls in the Eastern section, and their schoolteacher father was his uncle. OK, and seeing as his father had a photo of twin babies, he must have a twin somewhere, probably in the west. Where was his mother? Why was he brought up by his father alone?

Who were the losers building a tunnel and why? Why was the workplace informer brought into the plot? I mention these because the story was incomprehensible to me without the subtitles and a potentially good international thriller was ruined.
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