Arrow: Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 (2017)
Season 6, Episode 8
Pure awesomeness
29 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just like part 1, part 2 was completely bada*s! Once again we get some great character interaction, hilarious jokes, and kicka*s fight scenes.

We open up with the reveal of Earth X Tommy as Prometheus, which leads to a very emotional chat between him and Oliver, which ends with Tommy killing himself. Was great to see Tommy back on Arrow, and I love how the writers made him Prometheus as that was a big fan theory for season 5.

Jax and Stein, and Oliver and Felicity take up most of the in depth character interaction for this part of the crossover. Jax confesses to Stein that he doesn't want to lose his powers, and more importantly he doesn't want to lose him. He sees Stein as a father figure and that is something he doesn't want to lose, will be interesting to see how that pans out. Will they still break up firestorm? Meanwhile, Felicity doesn't want to marry Oliver because she fears it will break them up just like last time. Felicity saying no to Ollie's poor attempt at a proposal really takes an emotional toll on him, and I have no doubt that this will continue to be a theme over the crossover and maybe the season of Arrow.

The best part of the episode however, is once again the pure awesome fight scene. The evil version of Oliver and Kara, as well as the Reverse Flash, reveal their identities to our trinity, and we get a massive trinity vs. trinity battle. Surprisingly, we also learn that the SS Reverse Flash is actually our Eobard Thawne from earth 1! I initially thought he was that earths version of the RF. But turns out Thawne went back in time and switched earths to join their team. Seeing Barry trying to cope with having Thawne back was a big part of the episode.

The episode ends with our main heroes being captured and brought to earth X, and the reveal that evil Supergirl is dying, and they plan to cure her with our Kara's heart. Once again a massive night of DCTV, probably the best two hours in its history. Cannot wait for part 3 & 4!

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