Arrow: Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 (2017)
Season 6, Episode 8
Still no depth and continues the same flaws in Part 1
28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Flash is the top TV series among all superhero series and should have kept separate from the rest.

Another way to use the last dimensional Earth and making use of the Nazis is a forced and blunt way to make this episode more of an excuse. We know that the wedding won't happen as all the superheroes are called to gather at Jitters. It seems it is using the Season 2 formula of "Return from Earth 2" Why doesn't Dark Arrow do anything to Harrison Wells when he says "There is no God?". He even allowed Wells to push the panic button. Metallo was cool but finishing the superheroes again in no time wasn't thoughtful at all. Lame writing...Sheesh!

The writers seem to be interested in increasing the TV view-ship as generally view-ship decreases after Season 2.

A slight improvement from the script point of view of Part-1. I hope Part-3 generates some interest.

"And misery loves company"
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