Arrow: Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 (2017)
Season 6, Episode 8
Too much Olicity, Iris and lame fights
27 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Martin/Jax convo about Firestorm and Alex and Kara's were heartbreaking. Unfortunately, it was part of a string of relationships convos between Oliver and Felicity, Alex and Sara, and Felicity and Iris, that's too much packed in at once. Luckily Mick was there to break up the maudlin atmosphere. I like they're sorta kinda make the HeatWave/KF pairing for the lolz.

SuperArrow-X was interesting, as was their RF who turns out to be E1-Thawne. So where in the timeline did this Thawne come from?!

+ That moment where SG and Flash arrives at the scene first and they have to wait awkwardly for Arrow to show up a moment later is why I really really really want a true crossover of these 3 and not this mishmash of everyone from all 4 shows. You know, a true superhero crossover.

  • The whole dragged out fight at the warehouse as a cover-up for the attack on StarLabs was just that: dragged out and boring. And if Wally is busy protecting Joe and Cecile, why wasn't Iris with them? All she did was the same thing she does every week: she's just there. Only this time with the added Felicity convos which were the boring fillers they always are.

+ Again, Mick was there to save us from Felicity and Iris with his mustard, and it was Caitlin who made the effort to fine it for him. I won't mind a running theme of Heatwave/KF/Caitlin in future crossovers.

  • Too bad it wasn't Matt Letscher as RF. He would have made a better RF after his fantastic run on LoT. This RF was meh, they need to stop dipping to the Tom Cavanagh well so much because it's dry by now.

--- Even I know what a crock Felicity not wanting marry Oliver is and that it's nothing more than cheap melodrama. Olicity remains the screen-wasting filler it always is.

Rickhard's efforts to suppress a possible lisp and Amell's efforts to suppress his naturally high-pitched voice really makes them hard to understand most of the time. Their scenes might improve if they had subtitles.

Too much action that went on way too long, needed more Mick, heroes all defeated too easily (come on!), suffered from middle-part syndrome. Score: 7
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