DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Freakshow (2017)
Season 3, Episode 2
To Catch a Tiger
18 October 2017
We're getting a double dose of P.T. Barnum goodness this year with Hugh Jackman playing him in a biopic/music later this year and last night we got the one and only Billy Zane to guest star as the great entertainer of the late 19th century. This, along with a few other things, gave this episode a jolt of energy, something that I needed after last week.

There's still nothing groundbreaking about this season so far, and I highly doubt there will be anytime soon, but I think these fun one off episodes are always worth watching. With the focus being on P.T.'s circus, it only made sense for him to try and exploit the Legends and show off their powers to the crowd. In that way, this famous figure may be the most logical guest appearance out of any of the countless ones we've had to date. Can you tell I really enjoyed Billy Zane? It's not like he was just a famous actor playing a role, I felt like this was a character who actually went through an arc in the episode, and Zane pulled it off brilliantly.

As where last week felt like a complete retcon yet also rehash of what came last season, this episode felt like classic Legends. Why I liked this episode so much more if i'ts honestly all the same thing? Well, that's a difficult question. But I don't think it's any coincidence that Rip did not make an appearance last night. Of course, I know that won't stick. But hey, Ava Sharpe made more of an impression than Rip ever did.

This episode's big arc mainly dealt with Nate & Amaya's up and down relationship. I'm glad they explained her absence a little bit by showing her see what her granddaughter was doing in present day Detroit. It's not a relationship that I absolutely need on the show, but if they keep it interesting I'm okay with it. I guess the bigger concern is who the big bad of this season will be and if this show can finally land in that territory. Obviously it's been a struggle so far, so I'm hoping that last night's end tag will tease something bigger and better this year.

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