Reasonably entertaining look at a tough job; a bit repetitive.
29 September 2017
Caught the first 2 seasons of this on Netflix. Most of the other reviewers have it plain WRONG as they're critiquing the job, not the show, to which I'd respond "Don't hate the player, hate the game!".

The show follows various different 'high court enforcement officers' in carrying out their daily jobs. Sadly, their job involves repossessing houses, apartments, cars and property from down-on-their- luck members of society, usually with either Sad, Pathetic, Hilarious, or sometimes Violent consequences.

The people they meet come from across the wealth spectrum in the UK, poor, middle class, and also wealthy. What they have in common is they didn't pay their bills; full Stop. If they'd paid, they would never have been in the situation, hence the show's title. Most times their predicament is their own fault (not paying rent for 8 months, house sitting in a mansion and then refusing to leave), but occasionally there's a tale that tugs at the heartstrings.

What people lose sight of is that there's always a 2nd party being wronged...it's not just the tenant being kicked out that's losing something. Several episodes discussed the landlords, who've often bought the property as a long term investment, like the seniors on a pension who can barely make ends meet as their tenant hasn't paid rent in 6 months and who leaves the apartment in a trashed condition to boot! Is it fair to have a system that doesn't have a recourse for them? No. Hence why this job (and the show) exist.

Overall it's a poignant, realistic look at a job that appears both tough and heartless, but plays an INTEGRAL part in keeping the gears of modern society in motion. 7/10.

ps. Would rate higher except the editing is crap...typical repetitive techniques of 'what's coming later' and 'what's already happened' really slow many episodes down.
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