Review of 13 Minutes

13 Minutes (2015)
An unsung Hero and his world
30 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
13 Minutes ("Elser – Er hätte die Welt Verändert") What happens to an alert, clear thinking man when he alone among all Germans sees how to prevent the tremendous suffering that Hitler's regime threatened in the 1930's?

Georg Elser, the would-be hero of this astute film was the opposite in so many ways to the fearless leader - with talented hands he made music and useful things, brought joy to his family and friends and represents the other kind, the conscientious Aryan, shoved into the background by the malevolent direction in which his nation was so misled twice in recent history.

Just as Herr Drumpf's (Trump) reign of terror against his enemies would likely fizzle without its fuhrer, Deustschland could have been spared the terrible fate forced on them and 55 million other souls, and Elser knew someone had to try and do something about it.

Amidst events, all seemingly with life-or-death consequences, is the overpowering love of Georg and Elsa. The unlikely couple's tragedy and triumph is a photograph of humanity that survives beyond the end of the 110 minutes of this 2015 film.

The title, translated into English, says it well: "Elser - he would have changed the world".
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