Review of Bull

Bull (2016–2022)
It grows on you
17 July 2017
I loved the trailer and decided to catch it as soon as it came out. I ended the first episode disappointed as there was little character development or excitement. From the second episode onward, there was a much harder emphasis on character development and it has worked wonders for the show. As the season progressed, I found myself rather absorbed by the characters and the chemistry between them. Particularly, Dr Bull and his team. It was brilliant to watch. Even though the plot is more in the unbelievable territory most of the time, the characters and their relationships and the great one liners make it a worthy watch. Afterall, those were the things that made the three CSIs and the many NCISs work. Michael Weatherly is practically the same as he was in NCIS and I think for this character, that's exactly what was needed. I loved the first season to a certain extent and am looking forward to the second season. If the quality of the writing does not considerably improve, I believe we won't be getting a season three. Which would be sad.
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