Wonder Woman (2017)
A laughable mess in slow motion
5 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm definitely the minority here, but I can't get over the fact that this film is rated higher than films like Enter the Void, Moonlight, The Kings Speech, Spotlight and sooo many other much better films. The critics took the money on this one and ran.

To me, this film was cheesy, campy, and completely missed the mark. The ridiculous costume that is clearly symbolic for America ( there's clearly a fuc*ing gold eagle on her chest and it's red white and blue), yet she hails from Greece and calls herself an Amazonian God - WTF?!! AMAZONIAN!?!?!? I was so confused. Then, there is an American who is a British Spy (huh?) Most of the German Nazis speak with British accents and she can deflect bullets yet she loses her hearing to explosions.... I'm sorry, but I just could not get past this to enjoy the film. As an origin story, it's completely ludicrous. Maybe it worked back when the comic was written, but today it just comes off as a desperate attempt to pry the money from people that want to be viewed as politically correct. If you study film and take movies seriously, you should avoid a visit to the theater for this one. Watch it at home for free and make your own opinion, but I can see this media-con being laughable in 20 years.
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