It labors under a poor title which is certainly a defect
12 April 2017
If this picture is a story about a burglar, it isn't built in the best way; for it brings and keeps another character to the fore from the first. It labors under a poor title which is certainly a defect, for a name at the beginning of a picture directs the attention, it might almost be said, prepares the space in the mind which the picture is to fill. And if the offering fails to fill that space, there is almost sure to be a feeling of dissatisfaction. In this case, where the situation is neither very likely nor significant, the shortcoming is the more noticeable. It's a story of a man who was stunned and thought to be dead. His brother who had knocked him down, discovers a burglar in the house and contrives to have him caught and suspected of murder. This was the burglar's bad fix; it wasn't a true dilemma which is a choice between two bad fixes. The unconscious man comes to. It isn't up to the best Biograph pictures. - The Moving Picture World, December 28, 1912
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