Power Rangers (2017)
A fun movie for the family
21 March 2017
I was one of the first people to be asked to watch power rangers in December of 2016. I went into the theater not expecting much from this movie but I was wrong, it was a good movie. Not great or OK it was simply good. It had great CGI and the acting was good for a young cast. I loved the first 2 acts of the movie they were really strong and had good story telling. But act 3 in my opinion seemed silly and sort of rushed. The first 2 acts were great because of 2 things. Great characters and a steady pace. The character development was great and I liked how the writers really stuck to making them interesting so that the audience would care about them, especially RJ Cylers character. Nothing was rushed and was going at a great pace and then all of a sudden act 3 came into play and it turned into a mediocre action film and wasn't very exciting and I believe that is due to the villain. I was not a fan. Her motives are too over used and simply a lame character. The actress was fine but the character it'self wasn't anything special and made the action scenes dull. Other than that the kids will love it and if you are a power ranger fan I think you will be pleased. It's fun for the whole family.
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