Awful Crap That You Can't Unsee
13 January 2017
How do you make a hit film? It's simple. Cast some of the biggest stars in the industry and you are halfway through, add a lot of mindless action, do some promotional stunts (like Vin wearing a Lungi and dancing on a Hindi song) and you are done. Audiences are bound to go crazy.

I have never been a fan of any of the XXX films but this one I watched for Deepika. But Oh My God, what was I thinking? This film is awful beyond measure. There is nothing to watch. I mean it's the same thing you must have seen at least a hundred times by now. Same clichéd story, same mindless action sequences and people reading their lines like they are mannequins who have been brought to life my some magic. Even the origami did a way better job in Kubo and the two strings and they are made out of paper, mind you.

People are saying Deepika was good and I completely disagree. I can say that she did a good job with action sequences but her acting was pathetic. In fact there were only one or two people who actually tried to act.

So, don't waste your money on this awful experience. If you are watching it for Deepika then drop your plans. The screen time she gets is longer than I anticipated but nothing good comes out of it. It is another of those meaningless action films that you forget the moment you walk out of the Cinema. There are better movies playing in theaters that deserve your money instead of this crap. Do something meaningful with your money.
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