Decent Nudist Short
9 January 2017
But Charlie, I Never Played Volleyball! (1966)

** (out of 4)

David F. Friendman, the legendary producer, directed a few films in his career and this one here is one of them. This short was made so that he could show off his new found starlet Stacey Walker who would then be cast in THE NOTORIOUS DAUGHTER OF FANNY HILL and A SMELL OF HONEY, A SWALLOW OF BRINE. In the film she plays a struggling actress whose press agent gets her a job but this job is her being a judge at a nude contest. If you're a fan of Friendman then you might want to watch this since he was in the director's chair but in all honesty there's really nothing too special here. Walker is certainly cute enough but I'd be lying if I said she showed anything here that would make me want to see her in other movies. The nudity is rather lame and the narration added to the film is rather embarrassing.
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