Review of Him

Him (2016– )
Annoyingly cut short!
13 November 2016
I should have done my homework... I'm a bloody idiot!

The first drama that has captured my attention for a while started off pretty good. There are a lot of ways you can go with a chap who has telekinetic powers, right?

Nope... not in this annoying addition to the supernatural genre.

For a chap who gets 20 nosebleeds an episode you'd think he'd carry around a hanky, right? Nope, not this snowflake! He's happy to bleed all over his hands.

The talented chap gets taken to a quack by his therapist, who he found out about on the internet... and promptly loses his temper with her when he finds out that she really is a quack... just like he'd read about on the internet!

A usual, there are minorities featured in unlikely parts because that's just how real life is, right?

This program has found a way to ruin a good idea in every way possible!

I think I have worked out what possibly happened... they shot the first couple of episodes thinking it would pan out into at least a six-parter and then someone told them the production company had gone bankrupt. The show was then forced to somehow tie up everything in the third stupid episode which made no sense at all.

North America and the UK are headed in opposite directions when it comes to making good telly these days. Was it really only 10 years ago that we all wet ourselves laughing at the rubbish created across the pond? Oh, how times have quickly changed!
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