Review of Ovation

Ovation (I) (2015)
Donate to charity instead, please.
8 October 2016
James Denton, as great as he is, cannot save this Titanic ship of fools from sinking.

Meandering mush of a story, complemented by awful roles played by Jaglom's children. Lowlighted by a car crash of a performance by Tanna Frederick. She is the painful-to-watch center of this implosion.

Bad acting other than Denton. Bad plot that wandered like a hobo. Bad lighting from a DP who went to an online film school. Bad use of your time. Seriously, you could watch Johnny Depp in The Lone Ranger and that would be a better use of your time. Donate to charity instead, please. Think of how much better your rental dollars will be used.
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