Keanu (2016)
An entertaining film with some enjoyable performances, but most of the jokes don't land and the plot is very generic.
9 August 2016
'Keanu (2016)', Key and Peele's feature film debut, focuses on a couple of guys who pose as gang members in order to retrieve a stolen cat. The premise isn't all that interesting, but the main draw of the flick is the two leads. Their comedy central sketch show is hilarious at times, though it's also uneven. This movie suffers from being too complex for its own good, coming across as a fantastic short sketch dragged out to become an alright feature film. Don't get me wrong, it is funny at times and always remains enjoyable. In fact, it's entertaining for the majority of the run-time.

The plot simply can't withstand the pressure of the run-time, with the film's structure seeming to only get in the way of the comedy. There's the arbitrary act breaks and action set-pieces, which feel more like obligations than extensions of the premise. Simultaneously, it is also quite compact and doesn't go the places I thought it would. It plays it safe for the most part, though there is some racial-based humour, and falls flat sometimes because of it. The movie tells its story whilst dealing out the comedy in fairly large but contained doses. It doesn't feel too improvisational or too written, with the humour fitting the scene it's in. Its nice that the flick is led by the plot rather than the jokes, as it makes for a more refined and consistent journey. The plot isn't great, though, meandering a little in places and featuring a few unbelievable - and almost unnecessary - set-pieces that use way too much slow-motion. On the whole, the script is good with a tangible sense of heightened reality. The banter between the two protagonists works well; it feels genuine, if a little stereotypical. For me, most of its jokes don't land and the ones that do only garner a grin or chuckle. There's no belly laughs here.

Keegan Michael Key and Jordan Peele are pretty good in the lead roles, the latter even co-penned the script, but they ultimately play characters we've seen before in their sketches. It works for the most part and because they are comfortable with their parts, and they are both likable and instantly relatable. It's when the pair slip into their 'alter-egos' to blend in with the gang that things become a little annoying, especially after a while. I found Key's character in particular rather grating - with his exaggerated cadence, accent, excessive use of profanity and lowered (by an octave, I think) voice culminating in an irritating act that's only tolerable in small doses. Unfortunately, these false personas perforate the majority of the picture. The other actors are good in their roles, though all of them are generic and generally quite uninspired. There's a little development here, but none of the gang members have an arc and the wife is barely on screen.

The titular kitten is cute and well-trained, being extremely feeble yet surprisingly durable. However, the kitten seems to have some hypnotic powers as characters are constantly making questionable decisions just to get their hands on him. I get it's a cute cat and people like cats, but some of these hardened gangstas are dropping their tough personas and risking lives. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The film is rather contrived with a few odd coincidences, as well as some forced revelations that don't feel earned. The tone is consistent and the pace taught, though there's a little fat that could've been trimmed. It doesn't waste too much time, knows what it is and doesn't pretend to be profound or anything other than silly popcorn entertainment. The direction is competent but nothing special; the cinematography and editing are clean and easy to read.

Overall, the film is entertaining throughout, with some enjoyable performances and a couple of funny segments. However, most of the jokes don't land fully and the lead 'gangsta' personas are tiresome. It's well-made and typically enjoyable, but generic and, ultimately, pretty forgettable: 6/10.
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