Surprise, surprise Americans are the Terrorists
6 August 2016
Well, well, well... another anti-USA film by a documentary film maker who has been born into every privilege in America has to offer and I guess its still not good enough to say Thank you, America, and Thank you, armed forces, for keeping me and mine safe and sound while we gallivant around on Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod and make films that would never be financed without my royal American family name.

I have seem Ms. Kennedy's films before (just saw another one about a nuclear power plant in NY state) and most of them are very liberal along the lines of every Republican is evil and every Democrat is a saint trying to right all the wrongs (perpetrated by evil Republicans, of course). In this one, Rumsfeld is the Villain.

I know it there were some pretty awful things done to the prisoners, but do we have to parade it out there again? When is enough enough, when is it time to just stop all the self-flagellation? I mean, punish those who committed crimes, don't let it happen again, and move on. It doesn't make what these maniac terrorists did any better, does it? In addition, some of the things considered "torture" according to this film are really pretty mild, considering.

I'm really tired of all the anti-American military "documentaries" out there-- its really nothing more than liberal propaganda if you ask me. I am pretty certain Ms. Kennedy has made a nice and tidy profit off of this type of stuff too. See it if you must, but you've been warned.

I may just have to go and see "Hillary's America" to erase the bad feelings.
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