A well-shot and interesting tale, but not one I found particularly engrossing
26 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Director Peter Jackson calms down a bit after the manic gore fests of BAD TASTE and BRAINDEAD to give us what it undoubtedly his maturest work to date. It's certainly one of his most well-made and beautiful films, with some really stunning scenes in it - such as the moment where a cornfield becomes a royal garden complete with hedges, colourful flowers, and fountains. Filmed in New Zealand, the scenery of the woodlands and countryside is never less than breathtaking, and Jackson retains human interest also by offering interesting camera angles and situations throughout.

Based on a true story, this is a very realistic and slow-paced film, with dialogue that rings true. Unfortunately I did find a lot of the lovey-dovey dialogue in the film quite irritating, even if it was a mark of the '50s era in which the story is set. Lynskey and Winslet are excellent in the roles of the friends, but even the supporting cast are very good too, each filling out the roles of the slightly odd, mannered and very much human characters that they place.

There are some truly inspired and shocking moments in this film, like when Orson Welles walks on to the screen or the first time we see the life-sized clay men...thanks to some very impressive computer effects work these are highly convincing. After all the slow-build up and human drama, the bloody murder at the very end of the film is unpleasant and graphic, all the more so for being totally unexpected. This counters the serene feel of the rest of the movie and is thus more horrific for it.

So, a well-made film with fine acting and an interesting story. Why didn't I rate it higher? The simple fact is that I didn't find this film to be particularly moving or engrossing, although it is well made enough to be thoroughly watchable. After all the hype I had heard about it, the movie could only disappoint me, although most other viewers would probably think of it as wonderful.
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