Review of .exe

Person of Interest: .exe (2016)
Season 5, Episode 12
An Amazing Episode That Has Become Polarizing
15 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was an amazing Penultimate episode and did such a wonderful job of laying the foundation for the Series Finale next Tuesday's. Another well shot, directed, written, and acted episode of a fantastic season 5. However it seems the episode has become somewhat polarizing, with some critics/reviews praising it ( as am i ) while some fell short ( which i disagree with ).

The cinematography was beautiful The acting from everyone, especially John Nolan and Michael Emerson was grade A++ I loved the symbolism of how Greer died, no unlike some people i didn't think it was stupid. If you known Greer as the character we have come to know, you could see him doing something crazy and disturbing like this even if it requires putting his own life up for grabs for Samaritan. He is a true Jim Jones type.

Loved the what if scenario's which she ( played wonderfully by Amy Acker ) used as motivation in the event that finch ever had doubt or hesitation of not only killing Samaritan with the Virus, but his own creation as well. I actually won't spoil those scenarios but they are highly interesting.

Ultimately this set the stage for the finale yes, but as an overall episode it was amazing. For my money its the 3rd best episode of the season behind "The Day The World Went Away" and "6741".
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