Review of U-571

U-571 (2000)
U-Gotta Problem?
4 May 2016
Sure, it's inaccurate. Yup, it's a British story grafted onto the US Navy. Gotcha, Jon Bon Jovi can't act. Yes, black sailors were second-class citizens.

We get it. So shut your trap!

And enjoy Jonathan Mostow's U-571, a fanciful story of the USN trying to steal an "Enigma" machine from the Nazis so that the Allies could read the Krauts' mail.

It's all very derring-do and gung-ho and "You're an officer; you always have the answer!" leadership tutorial. And I loved just about every minute of it.

I like daring, gung-ho, and dammit, when you're confronted with a problem you don't know how to solve and the boys are dependin' on you, you punt!

U-571 is a movie that would fit nicely into WWII because the Yanks are plucky and tough, and the Germans are rotten to the core.

When it's over and the credits are done, you almost expect a graphic that tells the audience to buy War Bonds in the lobby of the theatre.
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