Review of Hunters

Hunters (2016)
Grips you like a bad case of the trots...
26 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this, I really did. Since the demise of Almost Human and the disappointment of Minority Report, I've been hoping a decent futuristic cop drama might emerge to fill the void.

Sadly, Hunters is not it.

The only really decent thing about this show are the make-up and special effects. Everything else is just... meh! For a start, there is zero humour or charisma to the whole undertaking. The dull "this is deadly serious people!" attitude of the whole production just drags it down to a level that reminded me of really OLD cop shows from the 70's (Yeah, I am that old!). It's attempt to be grim-dark fails and just leaves it as grim. Grim and cheerless.

There is a slightly maniacal (and overacted) main villain who quite literally seems to be the only person having fun in the whole show. Yet even he can't make up for the wrist-slashing tedium of everything else.

Whatever interest I managed to conjure up regarding the overarching plot and what was going on swiftly evaporated like a summer shower on hot asphalt. It just isn't that gripping and they look like they are going to be set to drag it out interminably. I quickly lost interest in the "mystery" and the aliens and everything else.

None of the characters in the series are remotely interesting. In fact, one-dimensional would be doing them an unjustified service. The characters have no character. It is that simple.

Also, if you are going to paint your characters as an elite counter-terrorist unit, at least pay for someone to show the actors how to hold weapons. The main female agent of the show held her rifle awkwardly with the butt in the centre of her chest, pointing directly outward. In episode two she goes one better and holds it (right-handedly) with the butt up to her left shoulder. I can't even begin to tell you how wrong this just looks and the fact that no one noticed this among the production crew says all you really need to know about the show in general.

It won't be getting a second series if I'm any judge at all. It's just too dull and lifeless.

SUMMARY: Dull, badly made, badly acted, poorly paced. Paper-thin characters, hammy villain, no technical advisors. It would have to be the rainiest of rainy days in Rainville for you to want to watch this. Pass.
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