Slacker (1990)
What life could be like .....
20 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Dear Richard Lintaker,

I have only had one or two good friends in my life. I have had some of the most interesting discussions with them about a variety of things. Stuff that I couldn't really talk about with normal people like racist jokes or sexual perversions or other things that would get me locked up in jail or stoned to death in the middle of town. Those friends have drifted away or they've turned into a holes and careerists. And even I've changed and gotten married and become misanthropic. All that are left are acquaintances. Conversation with these acquaintances are depressing, banal and repetitive. These days, I depend on movies and books to fill the void left by the departure of my best friends.

And every once in a while a movie like Slacker comes along. It is filled with characters that could be like your best friend. When the movie gets over, you feel like your best friend left the bar. You wish the drinking binge would go on forever. You envy the lives of the characters in the movie. Everyday of their life is lived exactly the way they want to. They interact with people who have similar tastes. They are not careerists, they are smart and know about things. They pursue their obsessions mercilessly. Or just sit around and drink a lot of beer.

The film is not without its flaws. Not all the characters are interesting. I wish you had focused on fewer characters. Like that girl who looks like a guy. The old man who knew George Orwell. Or the man obsessed with the Kennedy assassination. And the girl he hits on. I loved the long tracking shots. Good job, Richard.

Best Regards, Pimpin.

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