How I Met Your Mother: How Your Mother Met Me (2014)
Season 9, Episode 16
From Worst to Best
18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The episode 14 of the current season is the WORST rated episode of HIMYM and the 16th episode is the BEST rated episode...speaks much of this season and the series in general... But come what may, this remains my favorite American romantic comedy TV series... It's just that I feel like Ted all the time story resonates with him so so many aspects....hope i find the "mother" before i am 30. :P

Also, the "mother's" version of la vie en rose at the end....simply fantastic....

Shows how Ted had to move on from Robin and the mother had to move on from her own loss...and also how Lily and Marshall need to move on from the incident that happened in the very 1st season (lily leaving him for her job in San Fransico)...

Brilliantly connected with the previous seasons!
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