Crows' Feat (1962)
This Xenophobic Screed . . .
30 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
. . . most likely was created in the basement hideout of a 21st Century hacker and downloaded onto a Warner Bros. DVD in a nefarious effort to cast America's undocumented guest workers as an invading horde. CROWS' FEAT again finds slackers Jose and Manuel singing off-key, while stowing away on passenger jet liners without paying for so much as a bag of mini-pretzels, and habitually stealing their food on the ground, as well, instead of working and paying for it. The sort of people who made CROWS' FEAT like to argue that many Swedish and Jewish Americans go to bed hungry while these interlopers (and the millions they represent) take away the plum jobs on the record labels and in Major League Baseball dugouts (failing to note the otherwise unendurable wait for the next Abba or Koufax to appear on the scene). Perhaps one of the highest profile and best paid positions in America is that of Astronaut. Naturally, CROWS' FEAT strives to up the envy quotient exponentially at its conclusion by having Jose and Manuel usurp Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the "Explorer 7" rocket ship!
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