campy B-movie fun
13 September 2015
Merreye Syndrome is defined as a disease that causes regression to a primitive state suffered by the inbred Merrye family. A messenger delivers adoption notice to the isolated Merreye home. He gets caught in Virginia's web and killed by Elizabeth. Bruno the driver (Lon Chaney Jr) returns with Ralph (Sid Haig) to clean up the mess. Distant cousins Peter and Emily Howe come to take over and sell off the estate. Lawyer Mr. Schlocker and his assistant Ann Morris come to administer and plan to put the 3 children into institutions.

This is a schlockfest B-movie. Filmmaker Jack Hill is in the same vein as the likes of Roger Corman. Lon Chaney is a good co-lead. Sig Haig is pretty good as the mute brute. It's got camp appeal with hot young cannibals. The kills aren't scary. It's simple B-movie fun.
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