Yet more proof Steven Spielberg is a hack who should be kept away from a camera
28 June 2015
Sure, the action scenes are fun. Let's get that out of the way, because that's pretty much everything that is right about this movie.

Certain people did one or two things right. George Lucas, for example. Steven Spielberg is another. But every single piece of cinema he has done after, say, Jaws, or Indiana Jones, is simply terrible.

Take this movie. Jurassic Park had a certain charm, but once you get past the couple of minutes of CGI, you notice how terrible the movie is. Bad acting, bad plot, terrible acting, ham-fisted approach to storytelling, horrible acting, you name it.

All of this - and more - is in this movie. It's basically a remake of Jurassic Park - it's the exact same premise, with mostly the same characters. Can Spielberg think of anything else other than child geniuses? The story is laughable - you get this feeling that the characters need to do something, fast, and they stop and try to drive the story... slooooowly. The ham-fisted approach is there - characters won't only tell you what is going on, but what exactly is going to happen.

The whole movie feels like a mega-million dollar school project.

Once, I thought Spielberg was an amazing presence in the movie business. But that was 30 years ago. Right now, I can't imagine why people flock to watch his movies. Perhaps because the alternatives are even worse.

Save your time, watch it on video. Better yet, avoid.
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