Hunter Prey (2010)
This li'l B@stard really caught me off guard... I was expecting Cheezy Sci Fi, but surprisingly it was quite good. Rewatchability: High Blu-ray: Excellent A:9 V:10
4 June 2015
Seriously... At first I'm thinking that this is just gonna be a VERY simple 'Oh, we lost the prisoner, lets go get him' type of story. Hunter/Prey, right...? BUT... and it is a BIG BUT like Mariah Carey's... Lo and behold I was gradually and inexorably really sucked into the story and the characters. YES, it was kind of like an extended STAR TREK episode in it's simple setting and story, but darned if the damn thing didn't keep throwing intriguing little curves at me which really kept me going.

Granted, they left a LOT of loose ends after building up our curiosity about certain things and motivations and what was 'Really' going on, perhaps... but still, as simple as it was, I was amazed at how the story and developments just kept drawing me in more and more. Obviously, I guess they fully intended for the story to be continued. So, the 'Ending' is REALLY kind of up in the air. But, MAN... lines like when the guy asks Centari 7 why he didn't shoot him and he replies, 'I'll tell you when I see you...' DAMN...! And then they never frigg'n explain it. GRRRR... And when Clea says to Centari 7, 'I know what's going on, but I can't tell you because it may influence what you do...' And they never really explain that either... GEEZ...! But, those were the kinds of things that REALLY grabbed my attention and really made me wonder, 'What the HELL is going on...?!!' and needless to say, fully kept my interest.

With this simple of a premise, this could have EASILY turned out to be really stupid and lame (like lots of others) This could have been screwed up SO easily a million different ways, but, somehow they seemed to keep a firm hand on it, and I felt, definitely kept the audience interested. Oh, and BTW... these people saying that this is like 'ENEMY MINE'. FWIW, I liked this film WAY more than that sappy, touchy- feely, over-rated film (as another reviewer also strongly stated here earlier)

Sooooo... I don't know if they ever did a sequel or continuation of the story, but I REALLY hope so! Because this one really DID catch me off guard and proved to be far more intriguing and entertaining than I first thought it had any right to be...
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