Review of Area 51

Area 51 (2015)
When will the director come up with a real movie instead of "found foot ages"
15 May 2015
Looks like the director has found an easy and cheap way of making films in which all he has to worry about is a handy CAM. All that he ever has to do is to record some people from around and after adding a title, releases it as a "found foot aged" movie. I'm really getting sick of this found foot age type junk. this is an easy way out where you do not have to plan anything and you end up making a movie in just few dollars. If you think you cannot do any better please stop making films and do something useful for the society. I hate people who watched and made that rotten para-abnormal activity a popular film. Hey Mr. Director, Come up with a real movie. you can't fool people every time with your nonsense found footage crap.
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