Another innuendo laden eighties comedy? Go on then.....
8 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Depp and Morrow play a pair of sexually starved teens who go to a very expensive Florida resort, with only one thing in mind.....Ladies.

As you'd expect, things don't go as smoothly as planned in these sorts of films. Morrow falls for one of the waitresses, and Depp fancies another guest, but as her family are consumerist pig dogs, they wouldn't give him a second look unless he's a high paid professional....

Add to the mix Hector Elizondo and Callahan from Police Academy as a couple bent on stealing a necklace, a security guard provided only for comic relief, Andrew Dice Clay as a stereotypical ladies man, and a young boy who is a bit of a pervert, you get a wannabe farce.

These film were ten a penny in the eighties, the holiday comedy with a little bit of nudge, nudge, wink wink, cheeky cheeky thrown in.

Summer Rental, Paradise Club, Fraternity Vacation, are just a few from a huge list, and they all have the same trope, the horny guys looking for a good time. Although in this movie, they are the centre of attention, but arguably the weakest characters in the movie.

It's all the bonkers characters that appear in the rest of the film that elevates it from its mundane story line and narrative, from the weird Bill and Ted-esque stoner who comments on The Maestros ever decreasing appearance, to the barber. They are all absurd and bonkers, it makes the film more watchable.

And come the final act,the makers realise that they have no idea how to end the movie, so they go for a Benny Hill type extended chase scene, that is admittedly, quite amusing.

In the space of fifteen minutes we have cross dressing, buckets falling on heads, men mistaking men for women, a strong woman beating up a man, corridor chasing, gun fights that feel totally out of place, back injuries, and of course for no reason, pie throwing.

But it's plot narrative really let's it down, as does its misogyny and borderline racism.

But hey, it's still a bit of throwaway fun.
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