Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Wish (1998)
Season 3, Episode 9
The One Where Willow And Xander Are Vampires...
7 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. I can not stress enough about how much I love this episode. It's one of my all-time favorite episodes from the season and defiantly is in my Top 5 episodes from the entire series. You may look at the title and go, "What?! Willow and Xander as vampires?! How can that be possible?" Don't worry, it doesn't make any difference to the rest of the show, considering this episode takes place in an alternate reality.

In this episode, still heartbroken over Xander, Cordelia makes a wish to her new friend Anya, saying she wished Buffy had never come to Sunnydale. And Anya made that wish happen. The world is now a dark, scary place, where there is a curfew before sundown because vampires have come out to the world and rule the town when the sun is gone. Cordelia needs to get used to the changes, such as not being allowed to drive, not being able to wear bright and colorful outfits, since they attract vampires. And when she asks about Willow and Xander, to find out if they're miserable, she discovers that they're dead. But when she comes across Willow and Xander, who are dating, by the way, she is terrified to learn that they aren't dead, they're undead. They're vampires. They chase Cordelia who is saved by Oz and Giles and taken to the school, before she eventually is killed. Giles finds out that they need the Slayer to come, so he calls Buffy, who isn't happy to be summoned. The Master who was released and who is the boss of the vampires, has a plan to suck the blood out of everyone in Sunnydale, using a machine. How almost 21st Century of him. In the end, Willow and Xander are killed, and so is Angel who was being kept prisoner by The Master. Buffy kills The Master and Giles confronts Anya, and destroys her necklace, which sends the world back to the way it was, the second before Cordelia made the wish. Wow, I really went into detail with this episode, which just shows how many times I've seen it and how much I love it.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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