When local movie-making goes wrong.
24 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have a oft spot in my heart for small time local movies on a tight budget and made up of aspiring talent and lack thereof. Sure they might be wretchedly executed or star nobodies and ha-beens but they have a special shine to them like a piece of furniture you made yourself.

Then of course there's movies like 'Another Son of Sam' which is just awful. I don't even think it would work as an MST3k episode since it's far too boring and far too forgettable to have any great memorable lines. Sure, there's a part in the beginning with some washed up lounge singer bellowing away with some song that plays repeatedly through the movie, but other than that it's too dry.

Imagine a movie about an escaped killer who was abused by his mother and takes it out on any victim he can find at a girl's dormitory and there's a hard-boiled cop and an elite SWAT unit hell-bent on taking him out while making sure no harm comes to any civilians trapped inside. Okay, now take out anything even close to terror, suspense, tension, excitement, competence, etc. and you have this movie. The film feels like it's made by a local sheriff's department on how absolutely not to capture a deranged homicidal maniac. They shoot unarmed girls, can't seem to shoot the gunman, never follow directions, and do all they can to show you how terrible they are at acting as if a real sheriff with no acting ability were to star in the film.

Even if you like low budget local flicks or bad action movies make sure to steer clear of this. Even if you're watching this with friends and having a few brews it's still dull as dishwater. You'd probably enjoy the likes of 'Drive-In Massacre' or 'Invasion of the Bee Girls' far more if that's your fancy.
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