Review of Exorcismus

Exorcismus (2010)
bad acting; bad story line; not scary; completely clichéd; otherwise OK
12 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste your time. This movie is simply just a recycling of exorcism clichés with annoying camera work, bad acting and a poorly developed story line.

The set up premise that her uncle showed her intricate diagrams in the hope that she would memorize them, get ticked off over something and invoke Satan on her bathroom floor all so he could prove Satan exists is absurd. Teenagers may be stupid but how many really would cut themselves open and call for Satan to possess them just because mommy grounds them and their life sucks. And then the fact that the audience needs this explained by her in a ten minute monologue outside her mentally slipping mothers bedroom door was lazy spoon feeding. There's better ways to make the audience understand what happened. Piece it together over the course of the film. Have flash backs that extend beyond the bathroom scene. Something...

And the whole possession moments were horrible. Sophie Vavasseur might be able to pull off annoying angsty bratty British teen with a serious attitude and a death wish maybe but she is laughably bad trying to play the devil. Half the time the voice didn't even correspond to her mouth movements!

The scenes between her and her brother seemed forced and stilted. The scene when he dies was especially terrible. Bad acting and way overdone build up to something you see coming all along. So bad in fact that I actually thought hmm maybe there will be some twist where he doesn't die because they are milking the anticipation of his death SO much that they cant possibly just kill him. But nope... He dies... Exactly as you would predict he would...

In fact a lot in the movie seemed forced just to create particular situations (see explanation scene mentioned above). I blame this on the writing. Very little flowed naturally or organically. Tension building was minimal which is not what you want from an exorcism movie. And I had a real issue with them letting a possessed teenage girl run around all the time and not have her locked up somewhere after the first time she acts like the devil and tries to kill people. Why do you think they kept Linda Blair locked up in her bedroom! And she was only 12! An angsty 15 year old with a bad attitude to begin with ALSO possessed by the devil?! Chain her in the basement! But no we'll let her wonder around, go in and out freely, interact with the public and her little brother who shes already tried to kill once, eat breakfast with the family thats left, etc. It made no sense. Oh and if you are going to have an intense scene where you cause a terrible car accident because you hallucinate leaving your friend/cousin(??) appearing very much dead leading to an overly dramatic NO NO NO! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME! crying moment in the middle of the road, don't have the very next scene be oh wait he's going to be OK. No harm done! Yuck...
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