Not sure I saw the same movie that people are raving about...
2 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The plot was predictable. The characters aren't original. I guess the younger crowd and die hard fans will probably like it but as an avid movie fan Guardians kind of disappointed me. Acting was kind of terrible too. Bautista played Drax as if Drax was TRYING to sound intelligent. He couldn't pull off the smart brute. Zoe tried too hard to be bad a$$ and it wasn't natural. The Collector... Don't get me started... What reason was there for The Collector to even open and show anybody the Infinity Stone? It's a super powerful object that he knew was very powerful, why show Thanos' daughter or the outlaw? The bad guys were the worst, so campy. Ronin reminded me of a pro wrestler during an interview. Like Ultimate Warrior on a rant. Only good acting came from Thanos and Rocket. Yep, the CGIs. The final battle was whack. The ships lined up to form a net to stop the super ship and the good guy ships were below shooting bad guy ships who we're dive bombing the city. The worst was when they tried to replicate that scene in Avengers when Hulk was slamming Loki around but instead it was Groot shooting his tendrils through a bunch of bad guys and skewering them then slamming them unnecessarily back and forth against walls. The ending was so cheesy when John C Reiley was all sappy about his wife and kid being saved who they showed in the end as a woman and her daughter who earlier was part of a scene where they were almost crushed. Booooring.... The movie wasn't terrible but after reading the super reviews on IMDb, I had to say something.
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