Better then I thought!
9 June 2014
I've been on this site for years but only to read trivia facts about my favorite shows and movies and to see what reviews they got from users on the site. I been on a trailer park boys binge since a friend told me about it and I have watched everything related to the series and when I looked up a review for the latest trailer park boys special, Live in Dublin, I was shocked to see only one review and not a very good one at that!

Lets get one thing straight here, if your coming into this thinking it's going to be like another episode of the show or a feature length movie, your very mistaken. There is an opening and closing skit that will seem like they were pulled from a trailer park boys episode but that's about it. The rest takes place on a stage where the gang perform improv comedy in character and even play a few tunes. The review I read said that the actors were not in character but I would like to disagree.

Without ruining the moments of the show, there's plenty of callbacks to people and running gags from the show. Since its all a live performance and mile smith (a.k.a. Bubbles) is an accomplished musician, he even performs a few songs. Some are created for this show but if you know what the character of bubbles is all about, the songs will garner some laughs and you will see how in character he still is. There's even some covers of his favorite band performed by Bubbles himself. They even get the crowd involved and their interactions with the crowd are again things I could see Bubbles, Ricky, and Julian doing.

Can't really say much else without ruining this very entertaining special except i wish i could have gone to see it live! For those who are big fans of TPB and can ignore that the guys are out of their normal element, give this a chance and you won't be disappointed!
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