Review of Non-Stop

Non-Stop (2014)
The air above
2 June 2014
With a title like Non-Stop you expect non stop action but this is more a thriller with periodical action scenes to keep the beats going. After all Liam Neeson is in his 60s and cannot keep on fighting all through the film.

Neeson is an air marshal with personal problems and a fondness for drink. As the flight takes off he receives a series of text messages asking for millions of dollars to be deposited in a bank account or someone will die every 20 minutes.

The texts are popped on screen in the style of the TV series 'Sherlock' which is a blessing for the viewer.

Neeson now has to find the person making the threats, suspect all passengers and even the fight crew. On the other hand his warnings are not taken seriously and 20 minutes into the first threat the first person dies.

The movie is far fetched and convoluted. The reveal is difficult to fathom but it is an enjoyable film as Neeson desperately tries to find the villain while he increasingly looks like he is losing it and attracts suspicion himself.
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