How I Met Your Mother: How Your Mother Met Me (2014)
Season 9, Episode 16
2014, The Year We All Met The Mother
27 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
2014, The Year We All Met The Mother

What! A surreal ride that executives previewed as a "pilot to a totally different show" has lived up to the expectations of all deserving fans. It has really paid homage of sorts to the heart of the series from the start.

Why did they always hang out at that pub MacLarens, was it just to be like Cheers? -SHE always hung out at the MacLarens at the other side of The Big Apple.

Why did Ted break up with fiancé Cupcake-Maker-Blonde-Girl? -She has a boyfriend. A serious one. Who dies. Before she met Ted, and just like Ted she has a past love..

We were scared we weren't gonna love the girl we saw last season's finale.. Boy were we all wrong!

Why was Ted always kinda mopey and down on his luck career wise sometimes? -She falls into a slump in her personal and work life after. She calls her art (hobbies) out as work! Just like Ted used to do with Caligraphy, etc!

Why did we wait so long for Ted to meet her? -Well turns out their lives were quite intertwined, NY is really not that big! So they had a lot of opportunities to meet which were lost. Because they weren't ready to meet.

Why was Ted so obsessed with the city itself? -Because both of them had made realisations and learned lessons about the city.

This is a formidable episode. It is a cinematic realisation of a coupe de foudre (Love at First sight).

But there are too many revelations to type and too much to process. And I'll leave the biggest revelations of the night a secret and tell you these ones instead.

*The yellow umbrella is quite a teeny part of the story! *This episode will, nay should, make you tear up.. *The failure of The Mentalist forgotten. And that this HIYM episode is what 2014 will be remembered for. The year we all met the mother.

Now go watch it! X
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