Masters of Sex (2013–2016)
Not up to par
6 January 2014
I'm not sure where the train went off the tracks with this show. The cast is potentially great and there's certainly enough material there to work with, but Masters falls short of what it could and should have been.

The problem, I think, is that this show is satisfied picking only the lowest hanging fruit in terms of acting, character and story development. Exception for the nudity and situation, this plays no better than a poor, made-for-TV movie from the '90s when it could have given viewers the ride they get from Boardwalk Empire, the Wire, etc.

All the characters are basically one-dimensional straw men, written and acted with the minimal effort.

Lizzy Caplan, whom I've loved in everything else I've seen her in, is among the most wooden, predictable characters imaginable despite the fact that, on paper, she's playing a frisky, single mother trying to break the social mold ('50s America) she's stuck in. Lizzy's playing the role with less intent than June Clever.

I really wanted to like this show, but it's not worth the effort in my view, and I'm guessing the fault lies with Michael Sheen, the producer and main character in this. Where's the effort, Mike?
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