Insanely Inspirational!
11 December 2013
What an amazingly brave, imaginative and brilliant idea! I have to give it a massively, enthusiastic "WOW! For someone more romantically inclined like my teenage self, studying 'The Scottish Play' playing Banquo, at school with a less than inspiring teacher, was reason enough to feel less than enthusiastic about another of the tragedies, except of course for Romeo and Juliet, which was dreamily elevated to the sublime, helped along enormously by a deeply romantic crush on Laurence Harvey, the Romeo of the day and heart-throb of all my fellow classmates at my 'girls only' Cotswold Grammar School.

Not difficult to understand then that Hamlet wasn't high on my bucket list until many years later, when seeing it performed in the open air by the Tour de Force Theatre Company in an atmospheric production, set against the splendid back-drop of Arundel Castle in West Sussex, brought it energetically alive. Yet, still, even then, the real spirit of Hamlet evaded me, that is, until I had the amazing good fortune to watch the crazy, chaotic, arguably insane, but incredibly imaginative and totally inspirational production of 'Three Days of Hamlet'. Only then did I first begin to magically hear and unravel the music of the language, to understand and become enthralled by the endlessly rich story of the noble Prince of Denmark in a production which eclipses anything I have ever seen.

Alex Hyde-White has created a uniquely compelling, profound, frantic, exhausting, exceptionally brave and brilliant portrait of this deeply emotional play which will, without doubt, open up the minds and hearts of school children the world over who are studying Hamlet; it could change their world if only they had the opportunity to see it. The multi dimensional concept of this ingenious production is totally captivating as we see two stories running parallel, giving us a fascinating and intimate insight into the real lives, vulnerabilities, insecurities and strengths of the phenomenal cast as they take on their roles and tell the story. As always, Richard Chamberlain is powerfully magnificent, Stephanie Powers, Iva Hasperger, Alex Hyde-White Tom Badal all superb as is the whole cast. 'To thy own self be true!' Alex Hyde-White, your father would be so proud; your vision of Hamlet is a triumph! You, and your wonderful cast have enriched my life making me adore Hamlet and for that, I salute you.
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