Review of Joey

Joey (2004–2006)
Okay, but nowhere near Friends
7 December 2013
The show started out okay. It wasn't Friends, but it was okay. Through the first season it actually got better. Then over the second season it went down.

The characters weren't as good as the gang in Friends. Friends was fun because the characters were all funny in unique ways (Pheobe's weirdness, Monica's OCD, Chandler's humor...). In Joey, Gina's the only one that's remotely close to the level the gang was on. And Joey's rarely the core of the humor in Friends. He's usually there just to show off some dumbness, his eating, and his luck with women. In my opinion, that's why putting him in the center of the play was a bad idea in the beginning. You can't be funny just by making mean jokes of people being stupid all the time. Also, it looks more sad than funny that Joey's 35 and still such a baby. Come on, Chandler became a good husband, Rachel became independent... why no change in Joey?

Also, the show mainly rides on some ridiculous plots for humor. Bobbie wasn't as fun as Estelle, and Bobbie's character can't be any more unreal, but Bobbie's actually one of the funnier characters in Joey. The character development is incredibly weak, the jokes usually just come from showing off how insane these people are. And they made a terrible decision with Jimmy. The actor (same one for Eddie, as in Chandler's crazy roommate) looks incredibly annoying by default, and made Jimmy's character extremely unlikable. I mean, this is like making Janice a regular in Friends. Sure, she's entertaining, but can you stand her if she's in every episode?

And I think that's when the show went down.

It was kinda sad watching Friends end. I always wondered how their lives would turn out to be, especially Joey's, given he's still single. But after seeing this crazy world life that looks like a Las Vegas fantasy, I kinda agree with the people who said that it's better if we don't continue the story of Friends. It's not gonna be the same.

Okay I didn't want to compare this show with friends when I just wrote this, but I can't help it... So if you just want to watch a comedy show, this is not a bad one, but don't expect this to be the 11th season of Friends.
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