If You Understand The Humour of the Story You Will Enjoy It Immensely
25 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The determination as to whether you liked "The Meaning of Life" depends if you found any of the humour in it funny. The reason so is because the film itself is just a variety of sketches made into the film rather than a concrete story arc with a standard plot along with well-developed characters as you follow along with on their journeys. Some people wouldn't mind the sketch-driven movie and others might find the whole idea very annoying. Whether concrete or not, the factor whether you enjoyed it or not depends on if you laughed at the scenes featured here. To me I really had a good time watching "The Meaning of Life" and the sketches were funnier than the stuff "Saturday Night Live" has been putting on in recent years. Still others may not have enjoyed it much and it's partially due to the certain type of humour that may have not caught on by many audience members. And if you can't decipher that kind of humour, you won't find "The Meaning of Life" funny at all.

The bizarre humour here is naturally over-the-top and focuses its attention on the easy targets to its capacity. The comedy is formatted of characters being oblivious to the peculiar settings they are faced with or what's surrounding them or what they're getting themselves into. They don't think what they're doing is funny and succeed in keeping their manners sharp and straight and to me I find that both funny and effective at the same time. Also, you must keep in mind of some of the subliminal sight gags hidden behind the sketch, therefore, it also pays to keep your ears and your eyes open at all times. Just as well, this adds more credibility into making all the more hilarious.

The individual segments are more superior to the other sketches and they they're not as effective in its comedy factor. Such funny scenes that provided a lot of laughs were when John Cleese was teaching his pupils the finer points of sex. Another memorable sketch was the Grim Reaper sketch, but the one that will make even the hardened stoic person chuckle is the slow-motion boobs. The midway sketches provided nothing but dead weight and were not too hilarious at all. This is followed by a segment featuring the world's fattest man, while it is still very funny, I thing they overdid with the gross out humour for too long that it wears out its welcome in rather short period of time. I really wince in pain by the sight of barf, therefore that sketch was hard to digest (no pun intended).

Like I said earlier different people have contrary tastes in what kind of humour they like. "The Meaning of Life" is movie is no exception to the rule. Either you like the humour or you despise the humour. There are no moral lessons in the script any kind of important messages to follow. In fact all the serious issues implemented in the movie are being deliberately lampooned. Some of the sketches will make you cry in laughter and others will keep you waiting for the next scene to come. But I laughed quite frequently here and that's what really counts. I mean who couldn't laugh at such memorable quotations like, "stampede towards the clitoris!"
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